America is big news at the moment (we’re looking at you, Trump) but sometimes it’s good to forget about all the serious stuff and look to all the weird, funny and interesting things this great nation gets up to instead. From the most popular porn searches to the most Googled party costumes, here are 23 funny, revealing and interesting maps that show just how weird and wonderful this country really is.
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This map shows just what each state is Googling…
Clearly they’ve all got really important things on their minds… | Via Imgur
This map shows you just how much you’d need to earn per hour to survive in each US state…
Must be all those fat-cat politicians – how else do you explain Washington, DC as more expensive than NYC? | Via Imgur
Here’s a funny map of the USA, according to a puzzled Australian…
This Oz(zie) needs a wizard! | Via Imgur
This map shows the most famous Kevin in every US state…
Who knew Kevin was such a popular name? | Via Reddit
This map shows what the US would look like if its cities had kept their original names…
Come back, European colonists, all is forgiven… | Via Imgur
This map shows the most Googled costumes in each US State (top laughs for Illinois)…
Props to Illinois, home of the Slutty Pumpkin (we’re dying to see what that looks like)! | Via Imgur
This map shows you the longest and shortest sexy time in each state…
Apparently, Montana’s famously two-word conversations extend to the horizontal version… | Via Reddit
This map shows you what each state is really bad at…
Texas excels in the ‘Dumb and Dumberer’ department – who knew? Oregon, we’re not sure we want to know… | Via Imgur
This brand map of the USA…
…And not a single McDonald’s in sight | Via Imgur
This map shows that Walmart is basically taking over the entire country (and probably the entire world, too)…
America’s fave cheap’n’cheerful chain store is taking over the universe | Via Imgur
This curious map shows you all the lake monster sightings throughout the USA…
Apparently, Scotland’s not the only home of Nessie… | Via Imgur
This ‘seven deadly sins’ map of the United States…
The Devil made them do it | Via Reddit
This map that shows the most popular surnames throughout the United States…
Pretty easy to see where all those immigrants came from | Via Imgur
This funny map of North America according to the USA…
Maybe not so awesome after the next four years… | © Alphadesigner
The crystal-meth lab of the United States (this one’s for you, Breaking Bad fans)…
Nothing like a good hobby to keep you off the streets at night… | Via Imgur
This size-comparison map of the US (damn, Alaska is big!)…
Alaska: home of awesome creatures such as bears, melting glaciers, salmon, eagles… and Sarah Palin | Via Imgur
This very pretty light-pollution map of the USA…
Half the country’s clearly still in the dark… | Via Reddit
This map shows you where every single McDonald’s is in the USA…
Basically, there’s a McDonald’s everywhere | Via Imgur
This beer map of the United States…
They all love a good brew | Via Imgur
This snazzy gif map that shows the decline in cigarette sales from 1970–2012 in the United States…
Clearly a dying breed… | Huffington Post
This porn-search map of the United States…
Lesbians clearly rule | © Pornhub
This fraternity map of the United States…
Initially founded with serious, lofty ideals in the 1870s, today’s frats have strayed into dangerous territory |
And finally, this mesmerising gif map of the formation of the United States…
You’ve come a long way, baby | Via Reddit
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